Reading this PAGE before moving to cost details may completely change your hair transplant clinic research. You can choose a better clinic or doctor by using the information below. 

You should spend 5 – 10 mins understanding the facts regarding hair transplant surgery. 

When a patient starts to research hair transplant clinics or cost, he assumes that hair transplant surgery is like any other surgery, like heart or gall bladder surgery etc. He thinks that the doctor he is consulting will perform the entire surgery. But unfortunately, it is not true. In majority of hair clinics 90 % steps of hair transplant surgery are dobnne by nursing staff (  nurses , compounders , assitants or technicians or trichologist)  or non qualified doctors ) 

  1. Hair transplant surgery started in the 1990s as a doctor’s job. Doctors were performing all the steps of a hair transplant. 
  2. Then came FUE in the later 1990s, where Hair transplant was possible without any cuts or stitches. But initially, surgeons were doing all the steps. 
  3. Since Surgeons were doing all steps or the entire hair transplant procedure, the number of grafts possible could not be higher in the FUE process. Doctors performed 700 – 1500 grafts daily and called patients on multiple days for surgery.
  4. In the early 2000s, Surgeons started training their assistants to insert grafts in holes they created in bald areas. As holes ( tunnels or slits) in bald spots were done by surgeons in particular directions and densities so patients started getting final transplanted hair direction and density according to the desire and plan of the doctor, even if assistants were inserting hair grafts in the bald area 
  5. Now, 2 – 3 assistants were inserting grafts simultaneously, so doctors could perform 3000 – 3500 grafts in one day. 
  6. Different types of implanter pen devices increased the speed of the hair transplant procedure. 
  7. Gradually hair surgeons became greedy and trained their assistants to extract grafts in FUE. The hypothesis was that if a patient needed 3,500 grafts for his baldness. Even If the assistant damages an additional 1,500 – 2000 grafts from the donor area but can remove 3,500 grafts, then the result of the hair transplant in the bald area will not decrease. The bald spot is still getting 3500 grafts, so the result will be the same. Assistant doing graft extraction enabled surgeons to do 3 – 4 surgeries daily. It increased their revenue. This additional damage to the donor area is not visible in your first hair transplant, but it decreases the capability of your donor area to donate more grafts in future. Generally, Your back of head donor area can donate 5500 – 7000 grafts in your entire life. All hair grafts removed from the donor area are removed permanently with their roots. So, if you donate 3500 grafts, then these 3500 grafts will not grow back in the donor area. If the total capability of your donor area is 6500 grafts, then you can donate around 3000 grafts more in future for any future baldness. But if assistants extract grafts and damage additional 2000 grafts of your donor area, then you lose 5500 grafts ( 3500 grafts extracted + 2000 grafts Damaged ) from the donor area. Now, in future, you can donate only 1000 – 1500 grafts. So it is crucial to ensure that highly qualified hair surgeons extract your hair grafts rather than assistants ( nursing staff, trichologists, technicians, hair assistants, etc). There is an increasing trend in hair clinics nowadays to project nursing staff as a doctor, so always be careful when choosing a hair clinic. The qualifications and reputation of a surgeon do not matter if he is getting your grafts extracted from staff or a less qualified doctor. 
  8. Gradually these assistants became more confident and made holes or slits in the bald area. Now, the surgeon has no role left in surgery except observation. Results were not completely natural, but hair transplant per graft costs dipped within years. 
  9. Hair transplant is expensive when a clinic has strong social media or celebrity endorsement, even with less qualified doctors or assistants performing surgery. 
  10. Enquiring per graft cost from a clinic without knowing the doctor’s exact role and qualifications will land your head in an assistant or low-qualified doctor’s hands. Today, the facts are that 95 % of Indian and Turkish clinics and around 50 % of US clinics provide packages on the name of the famous doctor, but that doctor does not perform graft extraction from the donor area. They charge you for 1 hour of doctor role for 6 – 8 hours of surgery. If the doctor extracts grafts, the doctor’s role becomes 3 – 5 hours ( depending on the number of grafts ). It is true for most famous clinics with celebrities and cricketers endorsing them because doctors operate on celebrities to increase brand name value but get you operated by less qualified doctors or their assistants. Before comparing AKESO with any other hair clinic – Indian clinic, Turkey clinic, USA Clinic, or UK clinic – Kindly enquire about the qualification of the doctor and the role of a doctor in your surgery.
  11. Posting before and after videos and good hair transplant results in before and after photographs do not have value because they cannot prevent additional donor area damage if extraction is done by Assistants in these surgeries.

What does international protocol say about role of doctor and assistants in hair transplant surgery

Read the following to get clear about roles of surgeon and assitant in hair transplant surgery

The following aspects of hair restoration surgery should only be performed by a Hair transplant Surgeon

  • Preoperative diagnostic evaluation and consultation
  • Surgery planning
  • In Hair transplant Surgery Doctors role should be  including:
    • Donor hair harvesting – Graft in FUE , Strip harvest in FUT
    • Hairline design
    • Recipient site creation – Slit making ( channel making , incision in recipient site , channel opening, slit pattern ) to decide direction and density of transplant hair along with natural hairline
  • Management of other patient medical issues and possible adverse reactions
  • Post-operative care

Role of assitant in hair transplant surgery

  • Pulling grafts from donor area after hair surgeon has scored the graft  for graft extraction with hair transplant punch
  • Calculation of grafts and separation of grafts or any other graft processing steps ( in FUT – cutting grafts out from strip )
  • Insertion of grafts into slits – It can be done by trained assistants

How are we different from other hair clinic options?

  1. In 90 – 95 % of clinics worldwide, graft extraction from the donor area is done by assistants, hair technicians, or less qualified doctors. Less than 15 % of hair clinics offer Hair graft extraction for the donor area by a plastic surgeon / Dermatologist. In the rest of the clinics – this is done by junior doctors/ less qualified doctors/ dentists /hair transplant surgery assistants/technicians. At AKESO, you get the slitting process and hair graft extraction by a plastic surgeon or qualified dermatologist.
  2. Even highly expensive, famous hair clinics are not exceptions to this rule. They also manipulate the role of the surgeon to do more cases. Sometimes, sedative tablets or injections hide the surgeon’s role in the surgery. 
  3. At AKESO, graft extraction ( Punching or scoring of your hair grafts to extract them from the donor area ) – is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or internationally trained senior plastic surgeon, Dr Akhilesh Jangid, in all packages. This fact makes us different from 90 % of hair clinics present around you. 
  4. Please ensure this fact from your clinic that a qualified surgeon does all graft extractions because your donor area does not grow back. When Hair Technicians / Less skilled extract your grafts, they damage additional grafts to remove the required number.
  5. Many famous hair transplant surgeons / Clinics operate multiple hair transplants daily or run numerous branches of their clinics by publishing hair transplant results on the clinic website and social media. When you contact them, they keep their own cost very high. They try to offer hair transplant services by junior doctors or less experienced doctors or assistant doctors to lower the cost of hair transplants. At AKESO, all services are provided by Dr Akhilesh Jangid or a highly qualified plastic surgeon/dermatologist. All results published on the AKESO website or social media have been actively planned and performed by Dr Akhilesh Jangid and the team. 
  6. Every hair transplant at AKESO has the active role of Dr Akhilesh Jangid, whether in a Standard or highly discounted Premium or full-rate Package.
  7. Around 90 % of clinics do not provide proper direction and density of newly transplanted hair to create a natural look.
  8. Around 85 % of clinics do not offer the True DHT option (Graft transfer from the donor area to the bald spot within 10 – 60 minutes). They claim that they will place grafts as soon as possible. But they cannot commit you that graft out-of-body time will be 10 to 60 minutes for your grafts. AKESO offers an accurate DHT process for you.
  9. Around 95% of Hair clinics do not use a Hair implanter pen for graft insertions. 
  10. Less than 5 % of hair clinics use Hair implanters to insert grafts in bald areas. You get a hair implanter pen in all cases performed by CHI or DHT / MAGP technique at AKESO.
  11. Less than 1 % of clinics use CHOI Hair implanter instead of needle and forceps pushed insertion. We at AKESO use CHOI HAIR IMPLANTER IN all cases performed by CHI or DHT / MAGP technique.
  12. No one in India uses 10 X – 25 X magnification to see your donor area before extracting grafts. You can get that in the AKESO MAGP technique. None of the clinics in India offers you – The technique of using a microscope to see graft quality during the graft extraction ( AKESO MAGP ) process.
  13. We have defined our technique as AKESO CHI. Kindly read the details of AKESO CHI to know our technique of Advance FUE with modified CHOI HAIR IMPLANTERS. 
  14.  Around 98 % of clinics in India don’t use any hair implanter pen to insert your grafts. You can choose Normal FUE and AKESO CHI ( Advance FUE with CHOI HAIR IMPLANTER). If you select DHT or AKESO MAGP, you will always get an AKESO CHI complimentary combined.
  15. Now, you can get official discounts by scheduling the hair transplant in various ways in premium packages. In Standard packages – no scheduling-based discounts are available.

Hair transplant techniques summary


Some Patients search for clinics that have the best hair transplant technique. True, but the Impact of the hair transplant technique does not cross 20 – 30 % in your hair transplant. If the assistant does graft extraction, 35 – 50 % of the damage is there. So, it ultimately negotiates the gains met by any advanced hair transplant technique. So, getting hair grafts extracted by a qualified surgeon is more important. So any clinic offering most advanced technique but getting hair graft extraction from assitants( nurses,  compounders , hair assitant , hair technician , trichologist etc )  or low qualified doctors ( dentist , homeopathy or ayurveda doctors ) is not worth of consideration. At AKESO we ensure that all hair transplants get hair graft extractions by qualified plastic surgeon or dermatologist in every package. 

Hair transplant cost depends a lot on hair transplant techniques. So, You have to understand the hair transplant methods first before reading this page’s cost section. At AKESO, we continuously research and develop techniques to improve your results. We Provide FUT, FUE, Beard or body hair transplants. We offer Advanced FUE methods like AKESO CHI, DHT and AKESO MAGP, which can positively impact your result. As we provide almost every technique possible in the field of hair transplant, pricing also varies for every method. So, below, we provide a summary of hair transplant techniques. Kindly read this section to understand processes before going to the costing table so that all terminologies are precise.

Techniques Summary 

    1. FUT hair transplant is a technique in which cuts and stitches come on the back side of the head. Due to this, a significant linear scar comes at the back of your head. It is not very popular in India right now. In all other techniques, there are no scar marks.
    2. Beard and body hair transplant –   take more time to extract, so graft cost remains high. They are used when sufficient scalp grafts are not available.
    3. Standard FUE – In the normal FUE process – graft insertion is done by the “NO root touch technique” with Two forceps. This process requires slightly bigger holes and 30 % more time than implanter pen FUE ( CHI ).
    4. BIO FUE / BIO STIMULATED  FUE / GROWTH FACTOR  FUE / POWERED  FUE / PRP with FUE –  No extra charges as you have two PRP complimentary in every Package. You can utilise one PRP at the time of surgery. The surgical method remains like NORMAL FUE. WE DON’T CHARGE EXTRA FOR THIS METHOD. In this method – your 40 ml blood is withdrawn and then centrifuged to prepare plasma and platelet-rich plasma ( PRP ). Some surgeons give PRP injections and preserve grafts on your blood plasma. Kindly discuss it with the doctor before surgery.
    5. Sapphire FUE – Choose AKESO CHI . It includes Sapphire blades slit making complimentary. Sapphire blades are used to make slits in recipient area instead of needle. They do less trauma than needles. But in case hair transplant is done in areas with existing hair which are very close to each other – needles are preferred over blades. 
    6. AKESO CHI – This is a modified FUE method in which modified Choi hair implanters implant hair in the bald area instead of the normal forceps insertion method. It includes Sapphire FUE as slits or holes are made by sapphire blades . The slits / holes made for this are around 25 – 30 smaller than the traditional FUE insertion method. So, it reduces trauma and improves blood supply. Patients can opt for 30 % higher density in the same amount of trauma on their bald area. Also, angles are more defined and sharper than traditional techniques. One more advantage is hair transplant speed increases by around 30 – 40 %. The accuracy of hair graft insertion is 20 – 30 % more precise than normal technique. The risk of long-term scarring and hair thinning is lesser than traditional technique.
    7. DHT (DIRECT HAIR TRANSPLANT) WITH AKESO CHI – We have added AKESO CHI complimentary with DHT TECHNIQUE for all patients. This advanced FUE method transfers hair grafts from your donor area to your bald spot within 10 to 60 minutes. In normal FUE, grafts may remain outside your body for 2 – 5 hours. Rest everything remains like normal FUE. It improves 10 – 15 % results in cases with higher grafts. In patients with less than 1,500 grafts, – up to 5 % impact is when inserting grafts with modified CHOI hair implanters, so the technique is called DHT with AKESO CHI.
    8. AKESO MAGP with AKESO CHI – We have added AKESO CHI complimentary with AKESO MAGP TECHNIQUE for all patients. AKESO MAGP is a modified advanced FUE that works differently than the above two techniques. It is a method to improve graft quality by selecting better grafts. We use a microscope with 10 X – 25 X magnification to your hair grafts at the time of graft removal. We try to compare grafts under a microscope. We remove ( extract) grafts with more thickness or grafts with more hair. It also reduces the partial transection of grafts. Graft quality increases by 20 – 30 %, transforming your hair transplant results. AKESO MAGP is different from other microscopic techniques available on the internet as in this technique; we use a microscope before and during removing the graft from your donor area. In other methods, microscopes have utility after extracting grafts from your donor area. They are used for processing grafts and cannot alter hair quality.
    9. AKESO MAGP with DHT and AKESO CHI = read details of AKESO MAGP and DHT TECHNIQUE above. We have added AKESO CHI complimentary with AKESO MAGP TECHNIQUE with DHT for all patients. Modified Advance FUE method in which we use microscope ( 10 X – 25 X ) to select grafts from donor area + Graft transfer from donor to bald spot 10 – 60 mins + use of modified Choi hair implanter to insert grafts in bald area


There are many patients who ask us that which technique to choose for their hair transplant

  1. FUT – if you have more than grade 6 baldness and you have donor area height less than 6 centimeters then it is preferable to add FUT if you want complete coverage of your baldness. if you are afraid of scar marks at back of head then kindly do not choose this technique
  2. Sapphire FUE –  Now if you choose AKESO CHI then we get sapphire blade slit making without any additional cost.
  3. Normal  standard FUE – In this technique – graft insertion is done by “No root touch technique” utilising two forceps. Requires more time and more depending on assitant skill of inserting grafts into slits. More chances of J grafts.
  4. FUE with Choi type implanters ( AKESO CHI ) – Slits are made by sapphire blades ( Sapphire FUE included in technique) .  It is preferable for more speed , accuracy and less dependent on assitant skills to insert grafts in slits. It has small holes so less trauma to bald area for insertion of grafts. It requires additional cost of implanter pen tools and additional staff to load grafts in implanter pens – making this more than expensive than STANDARD FUE PROCESS.
  5. DHT (Direct hair transplant) – It is insertions of grafts within few minutes in bald area after graft extraction. No need to go for DHT if grafts numbers are between 1000 – 1500 . If grafts number are more then role of DHT is more significant.
  6. MAGP – MICROSCOPIC SELECTION of GRAFTS DURING GRAFT EXTRACTION – It is Better in every case for graft extraction to provide more healthy grafts. But it is more tiring for surgeon so it is expensive technique. It is unique offering of AKESO. Choose this if budget is not a problem for you.

BASIC Difference between Packages – Hair transplant cost at AKESO


  1. Hair transplants worldwide differ from standard surgeries as trained assistants can perform hair transplants, but accuracy and damage to donor areas are issues. So, enquiring about the cost of a hair transplant requires knowing the exact role of a hair transplant surgeon.
  2. We at akeso believe in complete transparency. Many hair surgeons are booking cases on their names, but assistants perform all hair transplant steps instead of them. This results in severe donor area compromise, permanent loss of donor area, and unnatural results.
  3. We at AKESO have divided hair transplant packages into three categories. STANDARD, PREMIUM and SUPER PREMIUM. We perform hair transplants by International Protocol in every Package.
  4. A plastic surgeon or qualified dermatologist does Graft Extraction from your donor area in all packages. In premium packages, Dr Akhilesh Jangid does Graft extraction. In Standard packages – Graft extraction will be done by other plastic surgeons or dermatologists.
  5. Plastic Surgeon Dr Akhilesh Jangid does the Consultation and Slitting process ( Channel making ) to determine hair direction density in all packages.
  6. Assistants do insertion of hair grafts into slits ( Slit pattern, channel pattern made by Plastic surgeon) by in STANDARD AND PREMIUM PACKAGES. It is an assistant step in typical international protocol. Almost 99.9 % of hair clinics do this step by assistants instead of doctors. But if cost and time are not an issue for you, then it can be done by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. You have to choose SUPER PREMIUM PACKAGE for this facility.


AKESO Offers three types of packages to patients

  1. Standard package
  2. Premium Package
  3. Super premium Package

The package define the role of Dr Akhilesh Jangid and Other plastic surgeon role along with role of hair transplant assitants in each package. All packages are of International protocol. In all Packages – slitting process and graft extraction is done by Dr Akhilesh Jangid or other plastic surgeon / dermatologist . 

You can see following table to differentiate packages


  1. Standard packages –  In the Standard Package – Dr Akhilesh Jangid does Consultation, planning of your surgery, hairline designing and density planning. Then, Dr Akhilesh Jangid will make holes in the bald area with a particular direction and density so that when hair is inserted in those holes, the result looks dense and natural. This step is called “slit pattern making or channel making”. Then, another plastic surgeon or dermatologist will extract grafts from your donor area. After the graft extraction – assistants will insert the grafts into holes made by Dr Akhilesh Jangid. Dr Akhilesh Jangid makes holes or slits, direction, density and zig-zag so that You will get a natural hair transplant result planned by Dr Akhilesh Jangid. Kindly note that other surgeons who extract the grafts will not be hair transplant assistants, hair transplant technicians, trichologist dentists or low-qualified doctors. In Standard packages, hair extraction will be done by a qualified plastic surgeon or dermatologist. But if you want graft extraction by Dr Akhilesh Jangid only, kindly book premium packages. Standard Package does not have scheduling-based discounts. 

Per grafts cost in Standard package

  1. FUE – Rs 35 per graft
  2. FUT – Rs 40 per graft
  3. AKESO CHI – Rs 40 per graft
  4. Direct hair transplant – DHT + CHI – Rs 45 per graft
  5. Beard grafts – Rs 50 per graft
  6. Chest and Body hair – Rs 60 per graft
  7. MAGP – Not available in Standard Package – Book Premium package for this
  8. MAGP + DHT – Not available in Standard Package – Book Premium package for this

Kindly Note the 18 % GST ( Indian Goods and Service tax ) will be applied to the final bill.

To calculate the price in the Standard Package – Use the following calculator. 
standard package cost



Dr. Akhilesh Jangid is a busy hair transplant surgeon. Dr. Akhilesh Jangid will do your graft extraction himself in premium packages along with Consultation, planning of your surgery, hairline designing and density planning. After Consultation, planning, and hairline design – Dr Akhilesh Jangid will make holes in the bald area with particular direction and density so that when hair is inserted in those holes, the result looks dense and completely natural. This step is called “slit pattern making or channel making”. Then, Dr Akhilesh Jangid will extract grafts from your donor area in premium packages. After the graft extraction – assistants will insert the grafts into holes made by Dr Akhilesh Jangid. As Dr Akhilesh Jangid did, holes or slits direction, density and zig zag. You will receive a natural hair transplant result planned by Dr Akhilesh Jangid. So his role in your surgery takes a lot of time. We have discounts based on the flexibility of scheduling your hair transplant so that the clinic can schedule the hair transplant surgery in the premium package as per the available schedule. This mechanism provides additional discounts and ensures that we can maintain the quality of your hair transplant. There are scheduling-based discounts in premium packages. 

Click here to calculate cost of premium packages.


These packages are for patients who want everything from a Plastic surgeon or expert dermatologist, including graft insertion into slits. In this protocol, a Qualified plastic surgeon or dermatologist will insert grafts into slits also, apart from work defined in premium packages.  The price is higher for insertion as the speed of a surgeon in graft insertion is around 600 – 800 grafts per hour. It is approximately 50 % of his graft extraction speed, so the insertion price is more than the extraction price. This Package is an additional facility provided by AKESO HAIR TRANSPLANT. EVEN IF YOU GO WITH THE PREMIUM PACKAGE – THE IMPACT ON THE RESULT WILL BE MINIMAL. 

  • The SUPER PREMIUM PACKAGE is available for at least 2,000 grafts.
  • Also, kindly note that this facility will not be available for FUT and normal FUE procedures. It is for CHI DHT or MAGP as an implanter pen will be used to insert grafts by the surgeon, so it is impossible in packages that do not contain AKESO CHI.
  • Also, Kindly note that scheduling-based discounts of premium packages do not change additional super-premium package charges per 1000 grafts.
  • Contact akeso to know cost of this package .


When collecting the quotes for hair transplant surgery from various clinics, ask the following five questions from the clinic. 

  1. Always enquire about the doctor who will operate you and his qualifications. The doctor’s name given by the clinic may not match their website.
  2. Check the doctor’s qualifications and previous experience in hair transplant surgery. Ensure that he is not a Dentist or non-qualified Doctor with no experience in hair transplants.
  3. Enquire whether a plastic surgeon / qualified dermatologist will do your graft extraction himself or not. Ensure that it is not done by his assistants / Technicians or less qualified doctors.
  4. Enquire whether a plastic surgeon / qualified dermatologist will do your slit process himself or not. Ensure that it is not done by his assistants / Technicians or less qualified doctors.
  5. Does the clinic use sedative tablets or injections? Many clinics give sedatives to the patient so that the patient sleeps during surgery and does not know the doctor’s role in his hair transplant. If the clinic allows you to have breaks in between your hair transplant session and you can talk with the doctor during hair transplant surgery, then the clinic is not using sedatives.