1. AKESO CHI is Advance Method of FUE hair Transplant which uses Modified Choi hair implanter is pre made slits or channels .
  2. In AKESO CHI sapphire blades are used to create very fine channels to reduce trauma to bald area skin. ( like Sapphire FUE )
  3. Then AKESO Modified Choi implanter pens are used to insert your grafts into slits / channels (holes) made in the bald area
  4. AKESO CHI uses pre made slits or channels to provide you accurate density and hair direction for providing you more control over your hair transplant result


Sapphire blade use for channel / slit ( hole ) making in bald area 

AKESO modified Choi Implanter pen used to insert grafts into slits 

Advantages of  ADVANCE FUE – AKESO CHI Technique Over Traditional FUE

Hair transplantation has undergone a revolutionary transformation with the introduction of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) techniques. However, as technology progresses, newer methods have emerged to enhance the efficacy and outcomes of FUE hair restoration procedures. Among these, the AKESO CHI  technique stands out as a groundbreaking advancement, offering a multitude of advantages over traditional FUE.

  1. Reduced Trauma to Skin – One of the most significant improvements the CHI technique boasts is the minimised trauma to the skin during the transplantation process. The utilisation of sapphire blades to create recipient sites is a game-changer. These blades allow for extremely fine and precise incisions, much smaller than those achievable with the forceps used in traditional FUE. The reduced size of these incisions not only minimises immediate trauma but also has a cascade of beneficial effects post-surgery, including decreased risk of infection, reduced inflammation, and a quicker overall healing process. For patients, this means less discomfort, a shorter recovery period, and the ability to return to their daily routines more rapidly.
  2. Ensured Graft Depth – The depth at which hair grafts are placed is a critical factor in the success of a hair transplant. The CHI technique’s implanter pen features a needle designed to cover the grafts to ensure that grafts are inserted at the full depth of the slit created. This level of precision fosters a better blood supply to the graft, which is essential for the nourishment and survival of the transplanted follicles. In traditional FUE procedures, inconsistent depth control can lead to superficially placed grafts, jeopardising the transplant’s success rate and potentially resulting in an uneven or patchy hair regrowth.
  3. Improved Graft Insertion – A common issue in traditional FUE is the risk of bending or kinking the grafts during insertion, which can severely impact the viability of the transplanted hair. The AKESO implanter pen is specifically designed to mitigate this issue, gently placing each graft in its designated location without damaging it. This careful insertion method enhances the likelihood of each graft taking root effectively, which in turn increases the overall density and uniformity of the hair regrowth.
  4. Smaller Slits/Channel – The CHI technique’s ability to insert grafts in slits or channels that are 25-30% smaller than those made for conventional forceps insertion in normal FUE. The reason is that in normal FUE – slit size should be large to accommodate the forceps and additional dead space required to prevent bending of elastic hair root. In AKESO CHI – hair roots are covered by steel needle so we do not require dead space to insert grafts.  Smaller incisions equate to less scar tissue formation (fibrosis) and scarring. Moreover, these finer incisions are less invasive to the blood supply of the scalp’s skin, a crucial factor in the nourishment and healing of the transplant site. As a result, patients experience better healing and less visible scarring, contributing to the aesthetic success of the procedure.
  5. Increased Density with Less Scarring – The CHI technique’s innovative approach enables us to implant hair grafts more densely while still minimising trauma and scarring. This is due to the smaller size of the incisions, which also allows  placement of more number of grafts in less area with more density to mimic natural hair growth patterns.
  6. More Defined Hair Angles – A natural hairline is not just about density; it’s also about the direction in which the hair grows. The CHI technique provides us the ability to create hair angles with unparalleled precision, particularly beneficial when working on areas like the temples or crown. The smaller slits give the surgeon the control needed to replicate the acute angles of natural hair growth, which is essential for the transplant to blend indistinguishably with the patient’s existing hair.
  7. Increased Accuracy – Despite being a faster procedure, the CHI technique does not sacrifice precision for speed. On the contrary, it enhances it. The accurate placement of grafts is vital for a successful hair transplant, and CHI’s methodical approach ensures that each graft is positioned correctly, adhering to the natural orientation and distribution of the patient’s hair. This meticulous attention to detail is what sets CHI apart, as it directly correlates to the natural and harmonious appearance of the transplanted hair.
  8. Faster Procedure – CHI’s process allows for quicker graft insertion, reducing surgery time by 1.5 to 2.5 hours compared to traditional FUE. This reduction in time is not merely a convenience; it has tangible benefits to reduce graft out of body time. Which increases survival rate of hair transplant grafts